Woman looking at vegetables in a grocery store
April 5, 2021

The Inside Scoop On Your Audience: South African Food Shoppers

GWI has recently released a localised, South African report containing insights for one of the top drivers of the world’s economy: Food Shoppers. Food Shoppers are defined by GWI as “Cooking enthusiasts who are the main food shopper in their household.”

No matter your industry, your audience is bound to include Food Shoppers; cooking is a passion point for many people, regardless of lifestyle. Especially since the start of COVID-19, 7 in 10 South Africans are now interested in cooking - which is a rather large portion of the population to put it lightly. With many maintaining the intention to further explore cooking as an interest once the pandemic is (finally) over, this audience is sure to be one to keep on your watch list.

Where Are South Africans Shopping?

GWI Report: Supermarket Engagement

The ultimate battle of the brands took place on the pages of this GWI report. Huge names such as Pick n Pay, Woolworths and Checkers went head to head to see who fared best in the world of grocery shopping. Unsurprisingly, Pick n Pay came out on top as the supermarket of choice.

Who Are South African Food Shoppers?

GWI Report: Food shoppers vs average cooking enthusiasts

“Food shoppers are more likely than average to be female, family-oriented and full-time workers” which makes them “time-poor consumers.” They’re price conscious and manage their money well since they have families to support. Efficiency and ease-of-use are therefore of paramount importance when it comes to their shopping experience.

What Media Do Food Shoppers Consume The Most?

GWI Report: Media channels and food shoppers

Food Shoppers have a heavy online presence, mainly on mobile and social media - which they are more likely to use for research purposes or engagement when wanting to find out more about a brand. They will adopt the tech that will make their day-to-day lives easier since they have so little time as is.

The Social Platforms That South African Food Shoppers Use The Most:

GWI Report: Top channels

With its in-depth reviews and tutorials, YouTube is the go-to platform for Food Shoppers. Facebook follows close behind by a mere 3%, emphasising that word-of-mouth (or in this case, posts) has a huge influence on the products Food Shoppers decide to purchase.

Interest in online shopping has skyrocketed since the start of the pandemic. Although online grocery shopping is still to see the same incline, there is still an “upwards trend” says GWI. Perhaps this will be dependent on whether more grocery stores adapt to the more convenient door-to-door delivery as an alternative to in-store pickup.

How Do South African Food Shoppers Discover Brands?

GWI Report: Awareness and impact

The top mode of discovery is emails and mailshots from brands, which is great since this is one of the more cost-effective marketing tools. Ensuring to create personalised mailers, include great imagery and an appropriate call to action could be the key to your marketing success. According to GWI, consumer review sites also play a significant role in brand discovery, which shows that Food Shoppers are heavily influenced by the opinions of others.

Your key takeaway order is on its way!

Overall, there has been a steady increase in appetite for online shopping. As we’re currently stuck at home and constantly on our devices, we’re exposed to more and more online brand media as opposed to traditional media and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

To learn more about this audience, take a look at GWI’s report: Exploring Food Shoppers in South Africa.